Friday, February 26, 2016

Dollar Store Makeup Challenge!!! (Long Time, No See!)

Hey, everyone! I know it's been quite a while since I last posted. A lot has happened in my life the past few months, and I've really missed blogging. So now here I am!

Like I said before, an awful lot has happened since I last posted, so I will start blogging more recent things related to fashion and/or makeup.

Actually, my most recent video is my Dollar Store Makeup Challenge, where I went to the 99 Cent Store and got some cheap makeup products, and tested them out on my face!

(Cheap makeup is fun, though I definitely would not recommend the foundation ESPECIALLY if you have Psoriasis!)

You can see the result of this challenge here:

It was so much fun, ALTHOUGH it did make me cry! My face was probably wondering why I was torturing it with the mascara! Hahaha!

In the meantime, please subscribe to my YouTube channel! I have so many new videos, new uploads every week, and I have a new Outfit of the Day series on my channel as well! 

Here's the latest episode:

Please stay tuned to my blog, my Instagram (@MissLaceyNoel) and my channel on YouTube to see more of my fashion and makeup posts!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Random Grocery Photoshoot: Wearing Zara Terez!!

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!

When you're a really big fan of Fruit Loops.

Got my cereal! Hm, did I forget something?

Yes! I need milk! Soy, of course. ;)

Makeup by yours truly
Hair and Photography by the impeccable Miss Missy Photography (my super rad mom)
Dress by Zara Terez
Location: Ralph's
Clear skirt and tights by American Apparel

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The Seth Bogart Show at Ooga Booga!

 The other day I had a fantastic time visiting and shooting at the breathtakingly quirky and fun Seth Bogart Show at the Ooga Booga's second art gallery and store called Ooga Twooga! It's actually Seth's first visual art show, and it is really really cool. If you're ever in LA, or reside here, you should definitely go and see it! I loved it soooooo much. These are some of the awesome photos my mom, Miss Missy Photography and I took there!

Isn't it amazing?! And those are only three photos! I am also in love with the clothes from Seth Bogart's clothing line, Wacky Wacko. Seriously amazing.

I still can't get over it!

A cartoon-y paradise!

Also, the huge television behind me shows a collection of Seth Bogart's videos, including an ad for Mantyhose!

I think Hair World was my favorite! I love his little ceramic hair products!

This art show was so amazing, that I want to live there, haha!

If you are interested in going, this show will be going on at 356 Mission Road in Los Angeles, CA up until October 2nd. I really enjoyed my visit and so I hiiiiiighly recommend seeing this as well as checking out Seth Bogart's other work. He is so neat and talented!

And if you aren't able to make it there, make sure you visit his store which is also called Wacky Wacko! His clothing line isn't just awesome, it has a voice and I'm a huge fan of how there's quite a few pieces of his clothing that have very feminist aspects about them. Here is Wacky Wacko's website! Also, here's Seth Bogart's website

Can't wait to see you again, Seth!

Also, if you guys are interested in seeing more of  my fashionable adventures, please go check out my YouTube channel and Instagram!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Makeup Tutorial: Jeremy Scott NYFW Spring 2016!

I know it's been a while since I've posted any makeup tutorials on my YouTube channel, but right after I saw Jeremy Scott's new runway for this year's New York Fashion Week, I just had to!

When I saw his new pieces for the Spring 2016 collection, I immediately was inspired. It was so cute. So amazing. And completely astonishing. I wish so much that I could have it all! I'm really in love with the fact that Jeremy Scott keeps bringing back retro elements to his clothes.

The makeup on the models was really unique and super cute! This is my take on it:

After I finished it, I was just so in love with it. I'm definitely going to wear this look again!!

My mom and I also took some photos. I love these so much...

I hope you guys liked my makeup tutorial for this look! Please subscribe, like, comment, share and all that good stuff. 

(Hair and Photography by Miss Missy Photography, Makeup by Lacey Noel)

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Watch Me Shave Off My Friend's Brows!! (MAKEOVER!!)

For a few days, me and my mom's friend, Bondi Holly visited the lovely City of Angels and so she came over to do a few shoots! What's really neat, is the fact that I had the honor of taking over doing her makeup. That is something I've always wanted to start doing, and I'm just so glad that happened!

The first night she was in LA, she came over and since we were just hanging out with not too much to do, we decided that it was be a pleasant idea to shave her eyebrows off! You can see that happening in the video I have on my YouTube channel of the makeover here:

For the next three days, my mom did a series of photoshoots with Bondi, and I got a start as a makeup artist for my mom's photography! I feel so proud and accomplished with the fact that I'm starting my very own portfolio featuring my makeup artistry. It's a wonderful start to becoming a real makeup artist and its a great start to the year of 2015!

These are some of the many photos that are now a part of my makeup portfolio, courtesy of Miss Missy Photography!

We actually went up in the hills by the Hollywood Sign for these! Bondi Holly is truly breathtaking and gorgeous... I can't wait for her to come back!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! I hope you all had a very fun, awesome and rad time full of love! I know I had a great Valentine's Day. :)

Actually, I just got done doing a photoshoot with my mom (Miss Missy Photography) and I'm excited to show you all these new photos!

In these photos, I am wearing this darling little one piece showgirl/burlesque-ish outfit with red heels and this adorable little hat by Topsy Turvy Design (which unfortunately went put of business not too long ago, but I think that you can still find some of their stuff online!).

I hope you all enjoyed my little shoot! It was really fun. My mom has had this big heart box for so long, and I've never got to shoot with it until now! I plan on doing more holiday-themed shoots this year, and I'm really looking forward to them!

Stay tuned, and I hope you all had a lovely, safe and awesome Valentine's Day!!! <3